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Appendices A - D

      Appendix A - D


Appendices A - D
This Section includes Appendices A through D which includes Table of Components with Henry's Law, Fraction measured and Fraction emitted in wastewater streams, Case studies and answers, and procedure for T-Criteria for permanent total enclosure.
Appendix A
Description: Table of Compounds With Henry’s Law Constant Less Than 0.1 Y/X [40 CFR 265, Appendix VI]
Appendix B
Description: Fraction Measured (Fm) and Fraction Emitted (Fe) for HAP Compounds in Wastewater Streams (Source: 40 CFR 63, Subpart G, Table 34)
Appendix C
Description: Case Studies and answers
Appendix D
Description: Procedure T-Criteria for Permanent total enclosure (Source: 40 CFR 52.741, Appendix B)