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Green Remediation: Applying Strategies in the Field - Session 1 of 3
Internet-based seminar
Hosted by U.S. EPA

In June 2009, EPA held its annual National Association of Remedial Project Managers meeting in Atlanta, GA, and for the second year in a row, one of our most attended sessions was on Green Remediation (GR). And like last year, we are offering those talks again to an online audience! EPA's definition of GR includes the practice of considering the environmental effects of a remediation strategy (i.e., the remedy selected and the implementation approach) early in the process, and incorporating options to maximize the net environmental benefit of the cleanup action. Since last year, experience has increased and policies are more developed, and this is a chance to share that with an online audience. EPA's Technical Support Project, led by the Engineering Forum, has taken this full-day session and will hold one session per month for 3 months, starting with October 8th. Each session will last no longer than 2 hours. We will start on October 8th, with the following agenda, and then the other two sessions will follow on November 12th and December 15th.
  • Headquarters and Cross-Program Perspective
  • Regional Roundtable (Region 4)
  • Case Studies:
    • Lake City Army Ammunition Plant: Solar-powered pumps for ground water treatment
    • Baird & McGuire Superfund site: Carbon and energy footprints at NPL sites
For general information contact Raji Josiam by telephone at 214-665-8529
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