Whether you work for an agency of the Federal Government or the State of California or local agency in California, seek a permit, grant, or approval from one of these agencies, or are otherwise interested in government decision-making, you need to know about NEPA and CEQA. This workshop is designed to serve both as a comprehensive introduction for those new to these statutes and an update for more experienced professionals.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is perhaps the best-known of our Nation's environmental laws. It applies whenever federal agencies propose to take action or when they propose to fund or approve the actions of others, if environmental impacts are likely to result. NEPA opened federal agency decision-making to the public, and promotes decisions with more environmentally responsible values. The procedures and documents required by NEPA may at times form the only administrative record of federal decision-making.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) parallels NEPA for State and local agency actions. It is a system of environmental review that requires agencies considering project approval to take action to protect California's environment. It applies to any project requiring State or local agency action that may have a significant effect on the environment, whether on State, local agency, or private lands.
The success or failure of many actions in California will depend on compliance with NEPA and CEQA. Using models and case studies and a sample NEPA/CEQA document, this workshop will help you understand the procedural requirements of the NEPA/CEQA process, including how to determine when these processes apply, deciding which documents to prepare, determining the scope and content of NEPA/CEQA documents, preparing an adequate cumulative impacts analysis, and integration of NEPA and CEQA with other laws.
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Determine whether a NEPA / CEQA process is necessary
• Determine which process to follow: Categorical Exclusion, Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact / Negative Declaration (or Mitigated Negative Declaration), or Environmental Impact Statement / Environmental Impact Report
• Integrate NEPA and CEQA in a joint process
• Study, develop, and describe appropriate alternatives
• Complete an adequate cumulative impacts assessment
• Prepare an Administrative Record to support agency decisions
The workshop is beneficial to agency staff and decision makers, attorneys, consultants, and members of environmental organizations, as well as interested citizens. Updates on recent cases will be valuable to any practitioner. Even those who have worked with NEPA and CEQA their entire careers will stand to learn more about the secrets to successful compliance.Participants will receive substantial course materials prepared by Owen Schmidt and Richard Grassetti, which include models for compliance, interpretive case citations, and a sample NEPA/CEQA document.
For general information contact Ralph Fontaine
by telephone at 425-270-3274 , Ext. 104
via e-mail at rfontaine@nwetc.org
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