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General Information
Event Name: Hazard Ranking System
Hosted By: U.S. EPA
Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation
Event Description:

Hazard Ranking System (HRS) is a 4-day training course designed for personnel who are required to compile, draft and review preliminary assessments (PA), site inspections (SI), and HRS documentation records and packages submitted for sites proposed for the National Priorities List (NPL). This course is open to EPA, federal, state, tribal and current U.S. EPA contractor personnel who support site investigation programs.

The HRS course provides a detailed review of the HRS model and how the model is applied to various site conditions. The course is intended to enable staff to prepare HRS packages for the National Priorities List (NPL) and to plan and implement preliminary assessments (PA) and site inspections (SI) to address future HRS scoring issues. By taking the course, participants will achieve the following objectives:

  • Explain the site assessment process under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the role of HRS. The course provides an overview of key provisions of CERCLA and the general response process established under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). The course discusses procedures and requirements for conducting site assessments and using the HRS to score sites for placement on the NPL.
  • Define and explain the HRS in detail. The course explains the overall structure and elements of the HRS and how a site score is calculated. The course also provides a detailed explanation of each scoring factor (likelihood of release, waste characterization and targets) for each pathway (groundwater, surface water, soil exposure and air) evaluated by the HRS. In addition, the course addresses HRS rules for scoring sites with releases of radionuclides.
  • Illustrate a general approach to scoring sites using the HRS and preparing an HRS package. The course provides an introduction to the process by which HRS packages are prepared, identifies the elements of a complete package and discusses accurate site scoring. The course examines documentation and analytical data quality needed to support HRS packages.
  • Identify and use guidance and software to successfully prepare an HRS package. The course will identify regulations and guidance issued by the EPA applicable to HRS scoring packages and has participants prepare an HRS score for a site.

HRS is a 4-day training course designed for personnel who are required to compile, draft and review HRS documentation records and packages submitted for sites proposed for the National Priorities List (NPL). This course is open to EPA, federal, state and tribal personnel who support site investigation programs. The course is also open to current U.S. EPA contractors taht perform site investigation work. U.S. EPA contractors will need to provide approval from their EPA TOCOR to Barbara Charris, EPA CEC Program Manager ( to attend the training. THIS COURSE IS NOT OPEN TO ACADEMIA, NON-EPA CONSULTANTS, NON-EPA CONTRACTORS OR ANY PRIVATE ENTITIES.

It is recommended that you take the Hazard Ranking System training course prior to the Preliminary Assessment and Site Inspection training course.

*This course is offered free of charge to all registrants who are confirmed to attend.*

Additional Information:

Daily Class Times: 
Tuesday- 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Wednesday - 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Thursday - 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Friday - 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Registration Status: Registration Open
Event Begins: November 4, 2025 at 8:30 AM Eastern
Event Ends: November 7, 2025 at 3:00 PM Eastern
For questions about this event, please contact: Elizabeth Kline (ICF)
This event will be held at: U.S. EPA - Region 2
290 Broadway
New York, NY 10007-1866
Location Map:
These maps are for getting a general idea of the location - they may not be 100% accurate.
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Location Contact Information: Diann Tramel
Phone: 212-637-4345
Hotel Information
Hotel name and address: To be determined - check back for updates
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